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How to reduce uric acid level naturally? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

22 Natural ways to reduce uric acid from body

Before we known about uric acid and its symptoms and treatment we have to know about what is uric acid?

What is Uric acid? 

what is uric acid

High uric acid levels in the body is a condition known as Hyperuricemia, can cause inflammatory reactions and health problems that reduce the quality of life.
Discomfort in the joints, congestion in the kidneys, gout and other complications that get worse without time verification.

Uric acid is present when the body breaks down purines from food and transmits them to the blood and kidneys.

Uric acid removes waste from the digestion of certain foods, rich in protein, especially red meat and lean meat.

Problems occur when uric acid accumulates in excessive amounts because the body cannot eliminate it or because it is present in large quantities. 

When purines are depleted and cannot be properly excreted by the kidneys.This time we need to reduce uric acid by food or any medication.

Otherwise uric acid crystals then accumulate in the walls of the joints, in the joints and in various unsuitable places on the body. 

They can also accumulate under the skin or in the kidneys (renal failure in the last stage), so we need to reduce uric acid from the body as early as possible.

Causes of uric acid:

causes of uric acid
Uric acid condition is known as Hyperuricemia. Hyperuricemia has multiple causes that combine increased uric acid production and decreased renal excretion. The reasons for the increase in uric acid production are:
  •        Unhealthy diet
  •        Genetics
  •        Obesity or being overweight
  •        Deficiency of an enzyme with the accelerated synthesis of purines
  •     Taking extra food in purine
  •        Pregnancy;
  •        Lead exposure;
  •        Exposure to beryllium;
  •        Hyperparathyroidism (excessive secretion of thyroid hormones)

Uric acid symptoms:

High uric acid levels can lead you to several diseases, including a painful type of arthritis call gout, kidney stone. Therefore you have to reduce uric acid by food.

But there is a the fact has that only a few or one-third of people will experience symptoms of uric acid. This is known as asymptomatic Hyperuricemia.

Symptoms of uric acid:

  •          Severe pain in your joints
  •          Pain in your foot palm
  •          Joint stiffness
  •          Difficulty in moving affected joints
  •          Redness and swelling
  •          Deformed joints
  •          Lower back pain;
  •          The presence of blood in the urine.

Uric acid food to avoid:

Uric acid food to avoid

Here are the main foods to avoid in case of excess uric acid:
  1.          Red meat
  2.          Organ meat
  3.          Certain meats
  4.          Charcoal
  5.          Dried beans
  6.          Dried (or smoked) meat or fish;
  7.          Strong alcohol;
  8.          Beer (even without alcohol: brewer's yeast provides 10 g * 300 mg purine);
  9.          Fructose-rich sodas and fruit juices.
Those foods can reduce uric acid level. But beware; even a few pieces of white meat can contain high levels of purine.

You should also keep an eye out for seafood, especially seafood and small fatty fish such as canned mackerel and sardines.

You have to avoid foods that increase uric acid Depending on the diet; we have chosen measures close to the doses used in daily life.

Uric acid Test:

uric acid test
To reduce the uric acid level first of all you need a blood test for uric acid. For the test, you don’t need to do any special things. Doctors say that you need too fast for 4 or more hours before the test.

Uric acid is obtained through a blood test (usually on the elbow) or a 24-hour urine collection of antiseptic.

Blood tests: Blood tests are done on an empty stomach and at rest.

Urine dose: Collect urine from sunset to sunrise the next day. Collect urine in a container (provided by the laboratory) kept at low temperature on antiseptic for the test.

General results:

Uric acid measures the uric acid in milligrams (mg) and the blood in deciliters (dL),
The values may vary depending on the technique used by the treatment analysis laboratory. They are specific to the results as well.

What’s a normal range varies with different labs, so check with your doctor to help you understand your blood test results. Your blood test result will you get after 2 or 3 days.

 Your uric acid level is high when you get this result:

·         For male, it’s over 7 mg/dL or above 7 mg/dL
·         For female, it’s over 6 mg/dL or above 6 mg/dL

Uric acid normal level:

Normal range laboratory results are provided with an indication of the normal quality of the devices used.

Common uric acid concentration rates are:

3.4 to 7.0 mg / dL for men
2.4 to 6.0 mg / dL for women
2 to 4 mg /dL for children

If the blood level of uric acid is more than 7 mg /dL is at the top value of the normal range, if your uric acid level is 7 or above 7, many problems arise such as kidney stones, and gout.

The good news is that it is possible to encourage its elimination in a natural way: some ingredients support kidney function and help eliminate uric acid through urine. So you need to reduce uric acid by food.

It’s a valuable question that “How to reduce uric acid level” in the best and effective way. 

So, this article may very useful for you to reduce uric acid level, hopefully those remedies can successfully work in this.

How to reduce uric acid levels naturally?

How to reduce uric acid
When blood levels of uric acid are too high, the doctor may prescribe medications such as allopurinol that will help reduce or stabilize the urethra. In the case of gout attacks, colchicine-based treatment can treat the attack but should not be used in the long term. 

Finally, an adaptive diet is necessary and complementary to reduce uric acid. And also avoid that food that increases uric acid.

       1. Drink more water:

You have to take daily 3-4 liters of water per day, as well as 3 or 4 glasses of useful fruit juice. Drinking fluids is very important to completely eradicate this disease because it is the result of the accumulation of certain types of waste in our body. So you can take water to reduce uric acid level naturally.

Now we can do this by liquid, healthy liquid. Make tomato juice, parsley, cucumber, apple juice ... don't forget to add lemon to your juices.

Always keep a bottle of water with you. Set an alarm every hour to remind you to move for a few hours.

             2. Avoid alcohol:

Drinking alcohol can make you more dehydrated. Alcohol can be a uric acid increasing foods. This happens because your kidneys first need to filter the products found in the blood due to alcohol instead of uric acid and other wastes.

Wine is not prohibited, but also alcohol consumption must be reduced because it provides unnecessary calories (100 calories for a glass of wine). After all, you must follow the advice not to exceed two glasses (units) per day. And be able to abstain one or two days per week.

             3. Weight loss:

Extra pounds along with your diet can raise your uric acid levels. Also having extra pounds makes the filtration of uric acid more difficult for your kidneys. Too fast weight loss can also affect levels. 

If you are overweight, it is best to avoid fad diets and emergency diets. Talk to a nutritionist about a healthy diet and weight loss plan. Your doctor may suggest healthy weight goals for your body type. In that way, you can reduce the uric acid levels and also can live a healthy lifestyle

             4. Balancing insulin levels:

Check your blood sugar when you see your doctor. This is important even if you do not have diabetes. This hormone is needed to supply sugar from your blood to your cells where it can provide all the bodily functions. 

However, excess insulin causes excess uric acid in the body as well as weight gain.

People with a condition called predisposition may have higher insulin levels and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

If you suspect your insulin resistance, your doctor may want to check your blood sugar as well as your serum insulin levels.

             5. Include more fiber in your diet:

Eating more fiber will help your body to reduce uric acid level. It also tends to increase satiety, which helps reduce the risk of overeating. Add at least 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber per day, including whole foods: Fresh, frozen or dried fruit Fresh or frozen vegetables

  •         Oats
  •         Hazelnuts
  •         Barley
  •         Almonds
  •         Walnut

       6. Reduce your stress rate:

Stress, poor sleep patterns and too little exercise can increase inflammation. Inflammation can trigger high uric acid levels. You have to control your stress level to reduce the uric acid level naturally

So practice conscious techniques such as breathing exercises and yoga to help deal with your stress levels.

            7. 7-8 hours of sleep:

For reducing uric acid-fast, you need to change some daily habits. And take proper deep sleep for 7 to 8 hours. 

Avoid digital screens for two to three hours before bedtime Sleep regularly every day and wake up early in the morning.

            8. Avoid some medicine and supplements:

If you have Insomnia or trouble falling asleep, talk to your doctor. Check your medications and supplements some medications and supplements can increase your uric acid level in the blood. 

These include:

  •         Vitamin B-3 (niacin)
  •         Diuretics
  •         Immunosuppressive drugs

            9. Drink hot lemon water every morning:

The alkali and vitamin C in lemons helps your body remove excess uric acid from the blood fast.

In the morning, squeeze the whole lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drink. It is effective in lowering uric acid levels in the blood beyond gout; and also it can clean you liver and kidney.

            10.   Artichokes to fight uric acid:

This the vegetable is well known for its benefits and also lowering the uric acid level. It has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient Egyptian times. How can artichokes help you lower your uric acid levels?

Artichoke is composed of a number of phytonutrients such as cinarin, rutin, gallic acid, silymarin ... these phytonutrients prevent liver problems. 

It is composed of several antioxidant (2) minerals like Vitamin K, C, B6, Phosphorus, Calcium, and Potassium.

In a saucepan over the fire, add two liters of mineral water. Add 3 artichokes (hearts and leaves). Add onion and boil for about fifteen minutes. 

The features of the artichoke propagate in the water at that time. Cool the broth, strain, and add the half-cut lemon juice. You can drink this soup all day long. The therapeutic values of onion and lemon artichoke allow it to work better.

            11. Avoid Acidified foods:

The metabolism of these foods in the body produces strong types of acids such as: sulfuric acid, uric acid, phosphoric acid.

Foods that have purine levels above 0.1%. These are red meat, organ meat, dairy products, fish and seafood, pulses. The processing of these foods produces significant amounts of uric acid. So its batter to avoid that food which food increase uric acid.

            12. Avoid Alkaline foods:

These foods allow a better flow of uric acid. These allow the blood and urine to become more alkaline. Their metabolism does not lead to the formation of strong acids. 

These foods make uric acid removal easier. These are mainly fresh fruits and vegetables. It's easy the process of reducing uric acid level.

            13. Onion:

Don't hesitate to accept it! This ingredient has been used to cure many diseases since ancient times. Also, onions help in reducing uric acid levels, triglyceride levels and bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

We I strongly recommend that you include it in your diet regularly. In addition to these, we provide you an onion drink that is very easy to prepare and it will do you the best.

Peel two or three onions and cut in half. Cook them. When they start to soften, pour the false liquid into a bottle and add half a lemon. Drink this drink throughout the day.

            14. Squash:

Do you like squash? Squash is a diuretic plant: By promoting the production of urine, this vegetable will help you eliminate uric acid and it helps to reduce uric acid in the body.

As in previous cases, to enjoy the benefits of this vegetable, boil it. Baking is also a good option. Also, be sure to preserve and consume pumpkin seeds as they bring many benefits to the body.

             15. Celery:

Celery helps reduce uric acid level .this vegetable which adapts well to all foods has an alkaline effect which helps in removing uric acid present in the blood.

Celery cleanses the blood, removes toxins, and promotes weight loss. Boil it again to enjoy the benefits of this vegetable.

             16. Carrots:

Carrot vegetables are one of the best fruit for reducing uric acid level. And that should not be missed in the diet. 
As well as being delicious, carrots have an effective alkaline effect to eliminate the excess of purine stored in the joints. Preparing natural carrot-based juice is a great option.

            17. parsley

Thanks to its multiple antioxidants, parsley will cure uric acid quickly. You know, parsley-like lemon cleanses the body deeply. All parts of the body are assembled to remove waste and expel it.

             18. Baking soda

Baking soda dilutes uric acid waste, so you can drain it out of your body more easily.

Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Add water, mix and drink after 5 seconds. Drink this solution 3-4 times a day for about two weeks.

If you have high blood pressure, please ignore baking soda. Instead, focus on fruits and vegetables to help control high uric acid in your blood.

So you can take backing soda as foods that reduce uric acid. But baking soda can increase your potassium levels in the body. So keep an eye out for overeating.

            19. Apple

The Apple is a fruit rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which is also much weaker in purine than organ meat and red meat. Eat one to two apples a day (including skin) I also eat apple seeds after reading someone's testimony to cure cancer for apple seeds. I don’t just do it as a warning.

A a good remedy for uric acid for ordinary apple juice You will find different properties of apples.

             20. Apple cider vinegar:

In our daily life apple cider vinegar plays a vital role. Also, it can help to reduce uric acid level naturally. 

Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your glass of water. Mix, let stand 5 seconds and drinks. Drink this solution twice a day for two weeks. You can use it in salads and the like.

             21. Cherries:

If for health reasons, you can’t eat lemon, I suggest you eat cherries to reduce your uric acid levels in the blood. Eat half a cup of cherries every day or make juice from them.

The anthocyanins in cherries, powerful antioxidants allow you to excrete uric acid from your body. Cherries are also an anti-inflammatory. In addition to purifying your blood, the use of cherries will relieve the pain caused by gout.

             22. Garlic

Magnesium, adenosine, allicin, sulfur in garlic help in blood flow and removal of waste from our body. Garlic is rich in trace elements, vitamins, and minerals which are involved in the metabolism of various cells in the body.

Eat two raw garlic cloves a day or 4 cooked garlic cloves a day. Drink one or two glasses of water continuously, if you have uric acid/gout or if you are at risk of gout or infectious diseases and other diseases (hypertension, cancer, pneumonia ...) then it is for life

For the garlic poultice: Mash two cloves of garlic with half a potato. 

Apply this poultice to your affected toes and keep these toes tied. Keep this poultice overnight. In the next few minutes, your pain will subside. Potato starch and garlic release you quickly and work directly on the affected parts.

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It may seem as if there a lot of foods you need to avoid helping lower uric acid levels. It is important to eat more low uric acid foods and those whose purines are less than 0.1 mg. 

Eating low uric acid fruits and vegetable juices are very important because a large consumption of fluids helps dissolve excess uric acid more easily.

 Diet, exercise, and other healthy lifestyle changes can improve uric acid and other illnesses caused by high uric acid levels. However, they can’t always replace necessary medical treatment to reduce your uric acid level faster.

Thank you so much

I hope this article will be beneficial for you to reduce uric acid level naturally.


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How to reduce uric acid level naturally? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment How to reduce uric acid level naturally? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Reviewed by Natural facts on May 30, 2020 Rating: 5


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