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Best Diet for Uric acid: what’s allowed and what uric acid foods to avoid?

what uric acid foods to avoid?

How To Control Uric Acid Through A Uric Acid Diet Menu

What is uric acid?

Before we know about uric acid increase food, we have to know what is uric acid?
Uric acid is a waste product that is usually eliminated by the body. It comes from the breakdown of dead cells but also from the digestion of certain foods. When uric acid is produced in excess or excreted in insufficient amounts it is made in the blood. This is called hyperuricemia. Increased levels of uric acid in the blood can cause various complications. Gout is caused by increased levels of uric acid in the blood.

What is gout?

Gout is a disease that affects the joints. It occurs when your uric acid levels are too high. It triggers the accumulation of sodium urate in the tissues of the joints and kidneys triggered by arthritis attacks. This pathology mainly affects men over 40 years of age and is often associated with other chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, and hypothyroidism.

It can cause inflammation, deformity, and very severe pain in the fingers, elbows, knees, ankles, and wrists. 

Low uric acid:

When the level of uric acid is less than 20 mg / L, we are talking about Hypo uricemia. It can occur during pregnancy, severe liver failure, a significant increase in the frequency of urination, or blood pressure-lowering drugs. Low uric acid levels are abnormal and its effects on the body are simply their cause.

High uric acid:

3 Signs of Excess Uric Acid in the Body | Manna Health

Usually, uric acid is slightly present in the blood. When a high concentration is noticeable, it is called Hyperuricemia. Uric acid levels are higher than 80 mg / L. It can occur during obesity, alcohol, certain medications (diuretics, anticancer drugs, beta-blockers, etc.), high protein diets, intense muscle effort, menopause, or diabetes. High uric acid levels fall under the definition of "metabolic syndrome".

The risk of gout attacks is therefore very high. It is an acute disease manifested by one or more extremely painful, red, and hot joints (often the big toes). If uric acid levels persist for several years, the disease becomes chronic and reduced kidney function. Kidney stones can also be the result of excess uric acid in the blood.

If you think it is easy enough to take a few pills to relieve from uric acid, you are wrong. There are many side effects of taking medication for uric acid. With this in mind, you have found out what uric acid foods to avoid. Make a diet plan that can reduce the uric acid levels.

If you have uric acid, the article “what uric acid foods to avoid” may very useful for you to reduce the high uric acid and hopefully those remedies can successfully work in this.

High uric acid symptoms:

Gout and kidney stones occur when the uric acid level is too high.

The most common uric acid high symptoms:

·         Big foot pain

·         Acute pain and inflammation of the joints

·         Difficulty urinating

·         Tachycardia

·         Knee pain

·         Kidney stones

·         Exhaustion

·         Hard boils in the joints

Uric acid can build up in your body for a variety of reasons. Here are causes for high uric acid:

·         Rule Of origin

·         Obesity or overweight

·         Emphasis

High levels of uric acid can also be caused by certain health conditions:

·         Kidney failure

·         Diabetes

·         Hypothyroidism

·         Certain types of cancer or chemotherapy

·         Psoriasis

Below, you will find out how to lower the level of uric acid in your body naturally. Limit the use of purine-rich foods you can limit the source of uric acid in your diet. High-purified foods include certain types of meat, seafood, and vegetables. All of these foods produce uric acid when digested.

Uric acid increase foods:

·         Fish and mollusks and crustaceans

·         Cauliflower

·         Green peas

·         Dried beans

·         Mushrooms

Testing for high uric acid:

Blood uric acid dose is done through a simple blood test, performed on an empty stomach. Normal range of 40 to 60 mg / L (or 240-360 ml / L) of uric acid in humans is 30 to 50 mg / L (or 300 ml / L 180) for women and 25 to 40 mg / L (or 150) for the middle child To 240 ml/l). The values vary according to the techniques used in the laboratories.

What uric acid foods to avoid:

A doctor should diagnose you to find out if you are having any problems and prescribe a treatment that should include changes in your diet and your daily life activities:

            1. Seafood:

Seafood increases uric acid levels keeping the right sleep pattern during Mars limitations. These are high-purified foods, so if you have high uric acid, you should moderate them in your diet to reduce uric acid levels. Stand in this group: crabs, shrimps, oysters, clams, oysters.

These products should not be eaten fresh or coconut food; Smoking products increase uric acid levels in the blood.

            2. Red meat:

It is one of the foods that contribute the most to its growth. If you have high uric acid levels, you should avoid it totally. Pork and beef also contain high levels of purines. Which are very fatty, viscera, meat extract, raw meat, kidney. That why you have to avoid high uric acid food.

            3. Legumes:

Lentils and beans are notable for growing large amounts of lentils, so people with higher indexes should limit themselves to one or two times a week.

            4. Vegetables:

Vegetables help in reducing the high uric acid levels and also keep uric acid under control. But, if you are spotted with a high level of uric acid levels, then some vegetables should be eaten in moderation, such as asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, radishes, and kale. Maybe they contribute to increasing the uric acid levels in your body, you have to take those vegies very carefully or you can avoid that high uric acid food. Tomatoes, broccoli, and cucumbers are some of the veggies that need to start including in your daily diet.

            5. Alcoholic beverages:

Alcohol increases uric acid levels, so it can be taken as a uric acid increase foods. Also, beer is more harmful to people with high uric acid than seafood and meat. This is because it increases the production of its levels in the body and makes elimination difficult. Experts recommend avoiding beer for people with gout.

pastries and soft drinks:

Soft drinks and syrup commercial fruit juices will stimulate uric acid production. So loads of sweet cookies, candy, industrial pastries, and sugar add as uric acid increase foods.

            6. Coffee:

It’s a fact that coffee is helping our body to reduce the uric acid level. Even most scientific research studies found that coffee plays a role in lowering uric acid levels and the risk of gout. Coffee contains many beneficial compounds that include minerals, and caffeine.

But drinking more than six servings of caffeinated is causes more uric acid production in your body. Overeating, it can be harmful. So you can avoid high uric acid food.

 It is best to take a maximum of one or two cups a day.

            7. Sweet food:

Although uric acid is commonly associated with protein-rich foods, recent studies have shown that sugar can also be a potential cause. Sugars added to foods include table sugar, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup, among others.

Fructose sugar is one of the main types of common sugar found in processed and refined foods. Researchers have discovered that this particular type of sugar can produce high levels of uric acid.

Check if the food label contains sugars. Eating more whole foods and less refined packaged foods can help you reduce your sugar intake while giving you the opportunity to eat a healthier diet.

            8. Sweet drink:

Sugar drinks, sodas, and fresh fruit juices are concentrated in fructose and glucose sugars. It should be noted that high fructose corn syrup usually contains a mixture of fructose and glucose, usually 55% fructose and 42% glucose. This ratio is equal to 50% fructose and 50% glucose in table sugar.

Fructose from refined sugar from juices or other foods is absorbed faster than sugar from foods whose natural composition needs to be broken down in your body. The rapid absorption of refined sugars raises your blood sugar levels and leads to high levels of uric acid. Replace sweetened drinks with filtered water and fiber-rich smoothies.

            9. The flesh of the limbs

At the beginning of the treatment, all unhealthy foods should be reduced or even eliminated, especially the liver, brain, kidneys, sweet bread, but trip, tongue, heart and cold meat (sausage, etc.).

            10. Avoid some fish

The so-called "blue" fish such as anchovies, herring, or sardines should be avoided because they are rich in purines. It is also found in carp, pike, or trout, but also in salmon, cod, and fish eggs. These fish are also rich in good omega 3 for the cardiovascular system and so it is a question of quantity. Shellfish, crustaceans, and fish soup should also be reduced.

           11. Avoid high curbs and fat:

Decreasing the amount of basic calorie intake 1Low-calorie foods should be recommended:

With moderate carbohydrate and fat restriction and a proportional increase in protein and unsaturated fat intake, without strict purine restriction Consumption of dairy products can be encouraged. However, it should be borne in mind that a very intense low-calorie diet manages to produce proteolysis and uric acid, which can lead to an increase in Eurasia and the occurrence of gout attacks.

            12. Avoid excess weight:

Eat a varied and balanced diet: Eat 3 meals a day with a full breakfast do not skip meals, avoid snacking.

Low-calorie foods may be needed for low weight. In fact, it is possible to increase your blood balance by returning to normal weight.

Diet Remove from your diet foods that generate uric acid:

  1.   Meat preparation: jelly, cube broth, meat extract.
  2.   Fish and seafood: Anchovies, sardines, herring, crustaceans.

Due to their allergenic power, it is advisable to avoid taking chocolate and mushrooms.

Choose poultry, white meat, and whitefish.

Moderate the use of eggs in pairs once a week.

Cook fish and meat with or without a little vegetable fat: grilled, boiled, steamed and baked

Avoid dishes with sauces, ham and meat fats, cold meats, cheese.

Thank you so much

I hope this article will be beneficial for you to avoid high uric acid food.


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Best Diet for Uric acid: what’s allowed and what uric acid foods to avoid? Best Diet for Uric acid: what’s allowed and what uric acid foods to avoid? Reviewed by Natural facts on May 07, 2020 Rating: 5


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