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How to boost immune system naturally/ How to boost immune system:

How to boost immune system naturally

How to boost immune system naturally

How to boost immune system: how to boost immune system naturally? It a question for all of us so before that, you have to know what immunity is and how immune system protects our body. The immune system comprised of a complex network of cells, organs, tissues, and proteins. Together, these carry out bodily processes that fight off pathogens, which are viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies which can cause infection or disease.

When you think of your immune system, think of it as your body’s own line of defense system that can protect you from those pathogens and environmental exposures. Those defense work is running over 24/7 to keep your body healthy and ready to fight off anything it determines as being potentially dangerous to your body, boosting immunity can improve fighting power. 

When your immune system running effectively, it is not something that you would notice on a daily basis, however when your immune system not working properly you can feel ill and sick until your Immune system comes into contact with a pathogen and Then your immune system triggers an immune response and release antibodies, which attach to antigens on the pathogens and kill them.

It’s a valuable question that how to boost immune system naturally and how to boost it in the best way. In this post, we share with you some important tips that can help you to boost the immunity system naturally for beating any viral diseases. 

If you have low immunity issue or you are suffering from any disease, there are many steps to help you to boost your immune system naturally with little change in your diet and routine, you can ensure that your immune system is strong enough to protect you against any infections and disease. 

So, this article may very useful for you to reduce this kind of disease and hopefully, those remedies can successfully work in this. 

Read also: Which FoodBoost Immune System

 Treatment for boosting immune system:

How to boost immune system naturally

1. Get 7-8 Hours’ Sleep Every Day

Your body’s immunity power depends on hygiene, staying active, hydrating and eating well, but here are other things that we forgot, it's all about the importance of a good amount of sleep at night.
Sleep deprivation and stress. Overload increase the the hormone cortisol, prolonged elevation of which can suppress immunity function.

When you don’t take sufficient hours of sleep your body is vulnerable to attack from pathogens. And this time the body defense system does not work properly to stop that type of attack.

When you take a good amount of sleep every day your brain signals to your body that it’s time to make and circulate the hormones and antibodies necessary to boost your immune system naturally.

Read also: Insomnia is a disease?/ how to treat insomnia

2. Eat more veggies, fruit, nuts, and seeds:

Our health can stay healthy with proper eating habits and nutrition. A good amount of nutrition is required for a strong fightable immune system and boost the immune system, which may offer protection from seasonal illness and viral infection, bacterial damage and virus disease like Ebola, E BV, corona, coronavirus, influenza etc. only your daily healthy diet and supplement can boost your immunity power for fight against those pathogens and environmental exposures.
Vegetables, nuts, fruits contain vitamin A, vitamin E, protein, niacin, and riboflavin.

If you take those healthy foods every day it can keep your energy leave high and you can perform your daily activities efficiently also those foods can help you to boost your immune system.

3.Exercise daily for immunity booster:

We don’t have an exact idea of how exercise can increase your immunity on a daily basis. Exercise wants more oxygen and water for our bodies. Oxygen and water may help you to flush bacteria and viruses out of the lunges and airways. 

This may decrease the chance of getting infected with bacteria or viruses. While we exercise our body getting a heat, And In that heat bacteria and virus can’t grow into our body. Even the temperature raise can help you to fight against those problems effectively. 

Also, exercise can decrease your stress hormone and refresh your body. It can be beneficial for boosting immune system naturally.

4. Take sufficient water:

Water is a great source of immunity. When you doing exercise and sweat heavily you take lots of water, it can keep your body hydride. Staying hydride helps you to eliminate toxins, germs and other bacteria that may cause illness.
Also, it can give relief from infection, and also it can increase the power of immunity and boost immune system naturally.
Drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.  

5. Wash your hand severally:

When you come home from a huge gathering or a public place, you have to wash your hand before eating and touching your face. But you have to know that washing your hands with water and dry them off can’t kill the bacteria or virus. You need to wash hands with soap or sanitizer through at least 20 seconds.

6. Manage your stress:

Stress plays a big role in your immune system. Especially when there are so many unwanted things happened around the world for the virus outbreak. People are now panic for those reasons. Fear can increase your stress hormone. And this can put an effect on your immune system. 

That reason first you have to stay stress-free, and taking a break from fake news media and found a trustable source for information they can help you to avoid panic and stress. 

For stress management you can take a break for few days and doing something that can relax you, you can meditate or yoga or you can spend some time with your parents, family, friends and also with your loved one.

7. Stop taking tobacco:

Tobacco just does not cause cancer or illness but also it causes lowering your immunity power day by day. It can make your body weaker overtimes. Tobacco is like a crusher machine. It can chew up your organs and also lower your immunity power.

Smoking can damage your lungs tissue which means you are at higher risk of infected by many diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia because smoke can destroy antibodies which protects you from that disease, That way you have less ability to recover yourself from that infection and it can remain for longer of time so, stop taking tobacco to boost the immune system.

8. Get vitamin D from sunlight:

We all know that important of vitamin for our immunity the system you can take vitamin D by diet or you can take vitamin D directly from the sun. If you spend 15-20 minutes in the sun daily. You can get sufficient vitamin D, which can boost the immunity power of your body. Low vitamin D levels correlate with a greater risk of respiratory infections.

9.Limit your alcohol consumption:

Alcohol is a very powerful chemical that can have a wide range of adverse effects on our bodies. Alcohol can affect every part of our body including the liver, heart, bones, and even your brain. 
Alcohol is very dangerous for our immune system. A high range of alcohol consumption can directly collapse a wide range of immune responses.  Though there are some benefits are there while you consuming wine or beer.
But moderate alcohol consumption seems to have a beneficial impact on the immune system.
So, you have to take a limited amount of alcohol.

10.Sexual activity:

We already know that physical activity can boost immunity and help our body to fight with various diseases like flu, virus as especially coronavirus. In that way, sex is a form of physical exercise. And it can boost the immune system in a natural way. Many studies reported that those who are sexually active two or three times in a week, they have a higher level of antibody (immunoglobulin A, Lg A) which can help our body to defense against viral infections, virus, and bacteria.

Thank you so much,

How to boost immune system naturally/ How to boost immune system: How to boost immune system naturally/ How to boost immune system: Reviewed by Natural facts on March 21, 2020 Rating: 5


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