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High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) -Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention:

High blood sugar (Hyperglycemia)-Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention:

what is blood sugar

What is Blood sugar?

What is blood sugar: Blood sugar called glucose is the main source of energy for the cells of our body. This type of sugar is present in flour, honey, carrots, rice, etc. among others.

This source of energy makes it possible to perform important body functions such as digestion, heart pumping, and synapses. In the body, the regulation of blood sugar is ensured thanks to permanent balance different mainly hormonal substances.

What is blood sugar normal range?

What is blood sugar normal range: Our blood sugar levels need to be between 70mg/dL and 110mg /dL.

What is hyperglycemia?

what is hyperglycemia
What is hyperglycemia: hyperglycemia is defined as blood sugar (blood sugar levels) above the target values for the majority of people with diabetes.

It occurs when the amount of insulin in the blood is insufficient or ineffective since glucose (sugar) cannot enter cells due to a lack of insulin; it accumulates in the blood and raises blood sugar.

It is important to consult a doctor so that he or she can prescribe medication and he or she can tell you about changes in your diet as well as keep up your daily exercise.

Causes of high sugar in blood:

causes of high sugar in blood
High sugar in blood causes: The most common cause of chronic hyperglycemia is diabetes. High sugar in blood causes infectious or hepatic disease or inflammatory syndrome. Hyperglycemia is common in the acute phase of severe illness.

Causes of high sugar in blood:

Diet: Glucose after meals (2 hours after meals) may be higher in your diet depending on the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. The more carbohydrates, the higher the amount of sugar in the blood.

Glucose excretion by the liver: The liver releases glucose into the blood without taking nutrients for at least 8 hours, leading to hyperglycemia. This explains why in some people, hyperglycemia occurs on an empty stomach in the morning, even if no food is taken. Beware of misconceptions: it is not associated with heart disease the day before!
Dose or effectiveness of your treatment: For example, a low dose of your insulin will raise your blood sugar.
An insulin pump failure that prevents insulin injection.
This disease: cold, flu, or fever.
Some emotions: stress or anger.
Some medications: Cortisone, for example, has side effects of raising blood sugar. 

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When sugar is high symptoms:

when sugar is high symptoms
When sugar is high symptoms: If you do not have diabetes and you are healthy, you will be tested for hypoglycemia even if you experience the above symptoms. Your doctor will take a blood sample to check your blood glucose level.

If you have diabetes, your doctor will ask you about your medication (such as your insulin dose), your activities, and your diet. Hypoglycemia can occur if a person with diabetes uses excessive amounts of insulin or insulin-producing drugs, or if they use excessive amounts of blood sugar without first recovering. 
The Canadian Diabetes Association recommends that a person who uses insulin or takes anti-diabetic drugs that stimulate insulin secretion do not let their blood glucose levels fall below 4.0 mm / L (722 mg / dL).

The Canadian Diabetes Association classifies hypoglycemia as follows:
Mild - the onset of symptoms due to excessive release of adrenaline. The infected person can take care of himself.

Moderate - Excessive release of adrenaline and inadequate supply of glucose to the brain manifests symptoms, but the infected person can treat himself.

Serious - The infected person needs the help of another person. Blood glucose levels are usually less than 2.6 mm / L (50 mg / dL).

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When sugar is high what is the symptoms:

when sugar is high what is the symptoms
When sugar is high what is the symptoms: Hyperglycemia has symptoms that are difficult to detect without minimal attention. It is ideal to have a medical checkup every six months to identify any possible changes in the body over time.

Testing to measure blood glucose levels is usually cheap and easy. One light bite is enough to get a drop of blood. 

Above a certain threshold, hyperglycemia can be signaled by a variety of symptoms of hyperglycemia:

1. Polydipsia:

Polydipsia is a necessary and urgent exaggeration of drinking water, usually accompanied by a dry mouth.

It is important that you drink water as soon as you need it since thirst is what the body needs to normalize glucose levels.

But keep in mind that as long as the blood sugar level is high, the problem will continue. To remedy this, practice a daily exercise routine and take the medications prescribed by your doctor.

2. Wounds on the skin:

Too much sugar in the blood can cause skin lesions such as coffee-colored spots on the feet as well as redness of the face and increase the dryness of the skin.

Also, nails, palms of the hands and third parts of the feet may contain yellow color.
If you notice the presence of sores that disappear after a while, go to your doctor. Do not ignore this problem, as it may be a sign of venous damage.

3. Mood swings:

People who suffer from hyperglycemia often experience severe mood swings such as boredom or depression.

Emotion depends on the chemical processes in the brain; these processes are affected by blood sugar levels.

4. Weakness and drowsiness:

As cells are unable to absorb sugar from the blood efficiently, the energy produced is reduced. This results in the presence of the following symptoms:
  •                     A feeling of muscle weakness
  •                     Extreme fatigue
  •                     A state of comfort
  •                     Ignorance mantra
To reduce these symptoms of hyperglycemia, it is important to consume enough fresh vegetables, providing adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. If the problem is more serious, your doctor may advise you on some dietary supplements.

5. Wounds heal slowly:

High sugar in blood causes severe obstruction of blood clotting. This deterioration is manifested by the presence of wounds and sores on the skin as well as the gradual healing of the sores.

If you notice that your wounds are bleeding more than usual and it takes time for your scars to disappear, there are steps you should take. When your blood glucose level returns to normal, this symptom will go away.

6. Vision problems:

The small arteries and veins in the retina, the macula (or yellow spots), the retinal vessels, and the head of the optic nerve are usually damaged as a result of hyperglycemia.
Here are some examples of problems:
  •          Blurred vision
  •          The presence of dark spots in the visual field
  •          Pain in the eye area
  •          Problems locating distant objects, 
  •          lateral or peripheral vision
Regular visits to the ophthalmologist help to identify these problems and thus prevent the blood sugar levels from rising significantly.

7. Headache:

Headache can causes of high sugar in blood, and one person who is severally affected by chronic headache, this person should take doctors consultation and recommendation. 

8. Weight loss:

High sugar in blood causes weight loss and the person who suffers from it does not lose his appetite.

9. Sexual problems:

Damage to nerves and blood vessels as a result of high sugar in blood causes various changes in sexual function in both women and men.

Hyperglycemia in men may have the following functional causes: 

Achieving a disability or having sex to maintain a building firm enough
During ejaculation, the ejaculation does not move towards the end of the penis but turns towards the bladder

In women, hyperglycemia can cause the following dysfunction:
  •          Vaginal dryness
  •          Absence or decreased sexual desire
  •          Painful intercourse
Do you have these symptoms of hyperglycemia? If so, do not ignore them and see your doctor as soon as possible.

Risk factors for hyperglycemia:

Risk factors for hyperglycemia
The risk factors for hyperglycemia due to type 1 diabetes is a genetic predisposition, for type 2 diabetes, genetic predisposition to being overweight / obese, sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, etc.

It is possible that a healthy person may develop hypoglycemia under certain conditions. For example, skipping meals can significantly lower blood sugar levels and cause unpleasant symptoms.

There are several causes of high sugar in the blood, including people with diabetes:
  •                     Lack of education about hypoglycemia and its treatment;
  •                     Advanced age;
  •                     Presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  •                     Not practice plans;
  •                     Omitted or delayed meals;
  •                     Alcohol consumption in the absence of adequate food intake;
  •                     Taking other medications;
  •                     Drug dose errors, especially insulin.

Treatment of hyperglycemia:

treatment of hyperglycemia
Treatment of hyperglycemia: Patients with mild to moderate hypoglycemia are usually aware. The main treatment then involves the administration of a type of carbohydrate of sugars. Give 15 grams of carbohydrates, and then wait for 15 minutes. 

After this period, it is necessary to measure blood sugar if it is normal, but it is to say that it is more than 4 mm / L, the treatment stops there. On the other hand, if the blood sugar level is still low, you must re-administer 15 grams of carbohydrates and repeat the process until you reach a normal value.

Here are some examples of acceptable carbohydrate sources:
  •                     1 tablespoon (15 ml) mixed with table sugar water;
  •                     Three-quarters (180 ml) of a cup of regular soft drink or fruit juice;
  •                     1 cup (240 ml) milk;
  •                     1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup.
There are also products that can supply the required amount of carbohydrates in a tablet or gel form. Your pharmacist may advise you on specific products that can cure an episode of hypoglycemia. These products are available without a prescription.

Treatment of severe hypoglycemia:

People with hypoglycemia should receive an injection of 1 mg glucagon under their skin or into a muscle if they are unconscious. This agent helps the liver to regulate blood sugar levels within 5 to 15 minutes of administration by signaling the liver to make more glucose. 
Children under 5 years of age should similarly receive a 0.5 mg dose of glucagon. Contact emergency services as soon as glucagon is donated. Any access to severe hypoglycemia should be reported to the healthcare team of the person with diabetes. Anyone living with someone who may have a hypoglycemic attack should know how to inject glucagon and always keep it on hand.

Once the hypoglycemia attack is over, the person concerned should take their own food or snacks as usual. If more than an hour has elapsed before the next normal meal, this person should eat a protein-rich breakfast and have at least 15 grams of carbohydrates, unless an attack of hypoglycemia occurs' other problems.

People who experience reactive hypoglycemia but who do not have diabetes can usually control their symptoms by avoiding frequent small meals and high-sugar foods.

People at risk factor for hypoglycemia should wear a medical cart identification bracelet so that emergency workers do not confuse the symptoms of dizziness, confusion and isolation with a person's behavior.

Hypoglycemia can occur unexpectedly and have serious consequences, especially if it is severe. If you are subject to episodes of hypoglycemia, you should always have a source of your carbohydrates. People around you should be aware of your situation and know what to do if you have hypoglycemia. Do not hesitate to contact your pharmacist or healthcare professional responsible for monitoring your diabetes to establish an action plan to address your hypoglycemia. You can never be ready to face the unexpected!

Treatment of hyperglycemia consists of an appropriate diet, regular physical exercise, and monitoring of cardiovascular risk factors.

When there is diabetes, Treatment of hyperglycemia is based on diet and dietary rules, taking hypoglycemic drugs and insulin injections (type 1diabetes and in some cases type 2diabetes).

Prevention of high blood sugar level:

prevention of high blood sugar level
Prevention of high blood sugar level: Prevention is an important factor in managing hypoglycemia. You must identify the causes that contribute to these problems and eliminate them if possible. For example, if you have frequent hypoglycemia during physical activity, have a snack before exercise and check your blood glucose more regularly during and after exercise. Screening for hyperglycemia is necessary for people at risk.

Early hyperglycemia usually does not cause symptoms, so regular blood sugar checks are important. People with risk factors are advised to control blood sugar from the age of 45 (family history of diabetes, BMI over 25 years ...).

Preventing hyperglycemia associated with type 2 diabetes requires regular physical activity, the fight against excess weight, and a balanced diet. 
Thank you so much,

I hope this article will be beneficial for Treatment of hyperglycemia.

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High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) -Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention: High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) -Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention: Reviewed by Natural facts on July 07, 2020 Rating: 5


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